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Method to my madness..helps & tips for mental health calm

Updated: Apr 5, 2019

You're entirely bonkers. But i'll tell you a secret. All the best people are... now this isn't a lie. If you look through history the amount of people who had mental health issues. If anything instead of #mentalhealth being a stigma it's something we should all not be ashamed of. But being unashamed of something doesnt mean its easy to live with or handle. So personally having depression,anxiety and personality disorder i've found ways to ease these. Now some are your standard and some you're going to think she's mad...well i am and sometimes madness can help solve madness so why not give it a try.

1. (Standard practice here ) Talk to your doctor.

Now i know a lot of us hate doctors and believe me i've had some awful appointments where i've left crying because i was told my suicide attempt was childish and i was seeking attention. But find yourself a doctor who you've 'e known for some time, who you can trust. I had no idea i was even depressed and my doctor wouldn't tell me he hinted and over time i realised.He said i wanted you to see for yourself to come to terms with what's happening. There are good compassionate doctors out there.

2. Talk to anyone, friends, family, samaritans whoever you feel comfortable with.

It's hard for a lot of us to talk about our feelings.Whether that's because of how you were brought up or just because you generally hate it, or hate letting people in. I found talking to strangers helped, people who didn't know me. I joined a website through #mind and its called #elefriends and it can be downloaded as an app! its amazing. To tell strangers how you feel with no judgement and learn abit more of others experiences. Its very freeing. Once i was ready i did talk to my lovely family and friends and they've been nothing but supportive since.

3. Meditation.

Oh my goodness #youtube has been a saviour for me. Random i know. But guys youtube is #free and who doesn't like a #freebie. There are thousands upon thousands of videos, music #ASMR videos online. I listen to them during the day, to help me fall asleep, to help me relax and they are amazing. I'm currently listening to one now as i type. It brings me calm. Currently listening to Earth goddess. One i would recommend is Lauren ostrowski Fenton. She does a variety of mediation videos, including #selflove and #lettinggo. Honestly give it a try.

4. Tarot reading & goddess cards.

There you go promised a bit of madness. I am a hippie and spiritual person at heart. I was feeling so lost and confused i felt as though i had lost my soul. So i went to see a tarot lady (highly recommended from a friend) and there was no this is your future rubbish. But this is what was, this is what you need to let go off. She told me several times i had a beautiful soul and that i was connected spiritually and it brought my mind a sense of calm. Because for people who don't know when you have #BPD you can paint yourself as a bad person and need that support to say you're not. After i brought goddess cards. These don't tell the future but bring you positive guidance in your everyday life. These are amazing i've asked a question and it tells me to be calm, to allow things to happen in their own time, spend time with nature, take me time. Amazing and for £10.99 from #amazon it won't break the bank.

5. Holistic massage.

Now these are a bit pricey, but worth it. Not only do you get the tlc that you deserve but you get all that bad stored up energy removed. You leave feeling calm and refreshed. I would recommend a chakra balancing massage. It aligns you back, moves all the bad energy out and replaces it with new good energy. Not only does the bad #juju as i say get removed but your aching body gets some much needed touch and loosens any tensions you have. And anyone who loves getting their hair played with indian head massage is the one! And for like most of us if you're an overthinker, indian head massage releases headaches and tension too.

6. Do something creative.

Now i know not everyone is Picasso, Darwin or Whitney houston. But finding something creative can be so helpful to your soul. It's a way to express yourself. I brought colouring books and felt tips. I prefer felt tips as they're smooth and i like the way they look. This brought me such calm and encouraged my sleep too. I've also taken up this lovely #blog and even if people read it or not i'm writing what i've suffered with and how i'm dealing with it. Which is therapeutic on its own. Find a way to express yourself rather than keeping it all in your mind to fester and get worse. We all deserve some of kind of peace.

7. Plants & animals.

Surround yourself with living things, unconditional living things. Those that provide you love no matter what.I've found that being around my pets has helped a lot. Cuddling up with the cat when im sad or going out for a walk with the crazy dog to get me out of the house and boost my mood. They love you no matter what and will always show you that love, and you can't help but to smile when they're with you. Now plants....i love them.For me it's the knowledge of caring for something, something that needs you. And then to see them grow is beautiful. You can look and be like i did that, and it brings a sense of calm to your life and surroundings.

8. Selfcare.

When did you ever think a bubble bath would be so rewarding. #selfcare is so important. At the end of the day this is you, your body, your soul, yours to protect and care for. Take a long bath, get your nails done, do a home facial.(Something i do A LOT) ingredients - orange juice, sugar, honey and coconut oil! oh wow you'll thank me later your skin is left so soft and smooth after. When you do something for you believe me you'll feel good. Even if its spoiling yourself to some cake, or wine or playing a video game, this is about you and only you. #Youtime.

9. Music & cleaning.

Yeah madness again! who wants to clean when they're down. Put your favourite happy songs on,blast them as loud as possible. Shake your body, wiggle them hips and start cleaning or organising the drawer (you know what one i mean, the one that you shove everything in) I have a few of those and a cupboard too. But something about organising one part of your life is satisfactory. You may not have control of all aspects of your life but this you can and you'll feel better or it.

10. Exercise.

Ergh! now this is crazy! Believe me i'm not one to exercise rather be in my pj's drinking wine. I mean i went to the #gym once last year, saw cute guys there got checked out by them and vowed to go again...i've not been since haha. But exercise doesn't have to mean go the gym and pump weights and stare at yourself in the mirror. Going for a walk with the dog, a stroll with your friends, doing some gardening, hoovering because that's sweaty work if you hoover like i do. Do whatever your happy and comfortable with. My sister joined a fitness group and she loves it and has even formed friendships through it.

*Last gross tip(my maddest one)

I watch Doctor pimple popper!! The shame. Watching spots being potted I find so relaxing. Some people love it and some hate it. But it's sooo relaxing to me! Give it a try... It's on #youtube again it's free and addictive in a good way #drpimplepopper

These are my #helps & #tips to deal with my mental health issues would love to hear if anyone has any other methods.The #madder the better. Main thing is don't give up,Hit me with what you've got guys...

Disclaimer; these opinions are of my own and in no way represent others or individuals. These scenarios are used to help and inform others of abuse and mental health and self help. They are no way directed at individuals. Ren

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