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There are good eggs out there...

Updated: Apr 15, 2019

#eggs #easter #goodeggs

Me, myself & I... I've been spending a lot of time since my diagnosis really getting to know and understand my #personalitydisorder. What makes it worse, what ticks me, what triggers my manic moments, how to resolve things and calm my mind. This is not an easy journey and everytime i learn something new i feel i can pass "the test" and then find out i studied for something completely different... in all honesty story of my life haha

Since starting this blog it's really helped me, i'm reaching out to people who are suffering the same and it's not only made me not feel alone but them too. And with this i'm learning who I can go to for help and where help is available.

Recently I was triggered to the point i won't lie i stayed in my house for two days because it affected me that much. This isn't as bad as it has been i have stayed in my house for longer, not showered not brushed my hair wore the same clothes and just layed in my duvet. I mean i can completely hermit myself at top grade level #winning but this case i needed help..

I was so shocked and just mentally drained from events my sister told me to call someone and get them involved and you know what 1.I listened to her 2. My mind was put at ease 3. I felt as though i had taken control and not let events control me. It made me feel good.

I've never been one to #bigup the authorities but the #police did themselves proud. I honestly thought i was going to be treated as a #mentalhealth case (proceed with caution) and to not care. But they did the complete opposite, they told me step by step of how they were going to help me, they made me laugh, cracked jokes with me- sassy ones at that. To top it off they bigged me up! "everything you've been through and you're e doing this blog and surviving" It felt good, like yeah i am, need a little reminder every now and then. Ain't gonna lie i cried in front of two big police officers and i didn't feel weak i felt human. Not only did they tell me how they were going to help me with my situation they made me feel like i'm not alone and give me the courage to leave my home. As they left one officer pointed out my sign board it says " do not give up" on it, he said just remember that and always that. I smiled and in my mind fist pumped the air YES! I waved them goodbye, told them to have a wonderful day, be safe (mum mode as i tend to do )

They offered to refer me for help and advice from the #victimsupport team and advice in regards to mental health and general support I said yes... Don't ever dismiss support people are here to help

It was such a relieving feeling. I did still feel like pfft i won't receive a call to "check up" on me but guess what?! i did. It just cemented I do matter, and that means we all #matter. People really do care and they do want to help...and i call these people #goodeggs and you do get them in a batch for sure.

I received a call from a lovely lady called Zoe from a company I hadn't heard of called sign post and although i was a bit standoffish at first she didn't give up (i was in the middle of my hermit netflix binge) she spent well over 45 minutes on the phone to me talking about my mental health,my recent situation and how she can help. We spoke about my previous suicide attempt and how i'm feeling now. It was nice to speak to someone non bias and she was very supportive. She said she can organise support group for me to attend and said she can organise calls and chats, as well as events for me to go to. She's chasing up my #nhs referral in regards to my mental health and is going to be making regular calls. It was seriously refreshing to have someone genuine and caring try to help me. A few days later i received a follow up call from Zoe she managed to get hold of the mental health team who should of been supporting me, after being boyed off several times she finally got through and they've actually called me back. So one #goodegg can make such a difference and she is an amazing person and i couldn't be more thankful.

I believe we all feel alone at times, but it's knowing where to look when you're in the dark and need to see the light which is what counts...

Again here are some support groups for you all! Please just find someone to talk to its worth it.. from an overthinker /worry wart like me it's good:

Signpost team-

Freephone number to speak to a Care Coordinator on 0800 0282 887 (8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays). Alternatively, you can contact us via our email address;

our offer of support is open-ended and you can contact us at any time in the future. You can find more information about the local and national support services available to you on the Signpost for Bedfordshire website

Victim support- Domestic violence/Abuse ( )

0808 168 9111

Samaritans- ( )

116 123

Rape crisis centre- ( )

Mind mental health- ( )

Elefriends-( a chat website/app)

Disclaimer; these opinions are of my own and in no way represent others or individuals. These scenarios are used to help and inform others of abuse and mental health and self help. They are no way directed at individuals. Ren

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